Emotion and Emotion Regulation in Daily Life
In this line of research I am interested in how people manage their emotions in their everyday life. I am curious how different kinds of daily situations such as one's location or activities , affect why, how and how successfully people regulate their emotions.
To investigate these questions I use
Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM)/ Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA)
Passive Sensing (e.g., Mobile Sensing through participants' phones)
Advanced Statistical Methods such as Multilevel Modeling, Bayesian Mixed Effects Location Scale Modeling, or Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling
Relevant Publications
Springstein, T., Thompson, R.J., & English, T. (2024). Examining situational differences in momentary emotion differentiation and clarity in everyday life. Emotion
Springstein, T., & English, T. (2024). Studying emotion regulation success in daily life – Distinctions from maladaptive regulation and dysregulation. Personality and Social Psychology Review
Springstein, T., Hamerling-Potts, K. K., Landa, I., & English, T. (in press). Adult attachment and interpersonal emotion regulation motives in daily life. Emotion. https://doi.org/10.1037/emo0001169
Springstein, T., Jackson, J. J., & English, T. (2022, May 16). A right time for everything? Emotion regulation flexibility and well-being. Preprint https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zfdqx
Springstein, T & English, T. (2021). Adapting to situations: Emotion regulation flexibility across adulthood. (Top ranked abstracts from the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Society for Affective Science). Affective Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42761-021-00068-4